We’re Accepting New Patients!

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Looking for a caring and professional dental practice? We’re excited to welcome new patients to our clinic! Whether you’re due for a check-up, need treatment, or are looking to enhance your smile, our friendly team is here to help.
Contact us today to book your first appointment—we look forward to meeting you!

A whole 10 years of Dental Mavericks

Hello again, I hope that you are safe and well. We are back at work and we are really pleased with the feedback that we are getting about our safety protocols and procedures and patient journey. People are feeling reassured and safe. That’s so nice to hear as there has been so much time and effort gone into it all.
I cannot believe that I went to Morocco on my first dental Mavericks trip (before we even had a name) a whole 10 years ago this September. I’ve been on 15 different trips and 20 projects (one to Greece in refugee camps). It’s been a life changing experience. I’ve met some great people along the way. It’s been a privilege to get some lovely people, who had no one else to help, out of daily pain.

Naive Beginnings 

In 2010 a team of 7 including 4 dentists who had never met before went to the Village of El Jabah, at the foot of the Rif Mountains in North East Morocco, with the intention of improving oral health of the children there.

Well, what a shock!! The kids’ teeth were terrible and many of them were in pain. That first year we had to follow the lead of a small contingent from a Moroccan dental school. It was heart breaking, especially in the morning. By the afternoon we got to work ourselves and there was more fun and it felt like a lot more love in the room. It was just a classroom with small wooden chairs (backache city). 

Looking a bit younger in 2010 

Some Winning Teams

I’ve worked with fantastic teams of people finding purpose and doing the right things for the right reasons. I’ve had the opportunity to speak to local people about it, spoken to University dental students and had Dental Mavericks as their nominated charity.

We have a local Knit and Natter group involved in knitting clothes and blankets. I’ve raised money riding a push bike coast to coast and even climbed a mountain. Quite an adventure. My son, Edward has been on several trips, first as a trainee dental nurse and last time as a clinician in his own right treating patients (very proud dad). My practice manger, Gillian, has been on several trips as well.

  • Not This Year

    As with most things Dental Mavericks trips have all been cancelled this year now because of COVID. Oh dear, it’s such a shame. There are so many kids that need our help.

    So Much More Than Pulling Teeth

    Dental Mavericks are so much more than just pulling teeth. We now have sponsorship for tooth paste and toothbrushes and do great work promoting dental health in both Morocco and Lebanon. Lebanon is in a real state. The country is bankrupt and after the explosion Dental Mavericks clinics were decimated. Dental Mavericks are not just a registered charity but an NGO in Lebanon and as I write trying to secure premises to use as a dental trauma clinic.  Fingers crossed that people can be helped.

    We are trying to raise funds to help these desperate people. If you can help please go to www.dentalmavericks.org.

    Until next time. Take care and be good.