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Laser to my rescue

Hello again, I hope you are well. Another busy month with a couple of courses to fuel my thirst for learning and always searching for better. One was an intensive 4 day course (Thursday – Sunday) on oro-facial myo-functional therapy. The other was a dental laser course. Also my son eventually had his graduation. Another milestone moment.

A Bit Of A Scare

Hello again, I hope you are well. Another busy month with a couple of courses to fuel my thirst for learning and always searching for better. One was an intensive 4 day course (Thursday – Sunday) on oro-facial myo-functional therapy. The other was a dental laser course. Also my son eventually had his graduation. Another milestone moment.

Laser To The Rescue

We use laser at work all the time to reduce inflammation and promote healing. There is the most research on Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or laser biomodulation on muscular skeletal applications. So, I used my laser on my hip!! You have to get the energy dose right. I was told at the hospital it would take a few weeks of rest and painkillers before it would get better and maybe some physiotherapy if that didn’t do the trick. Well, two laser applications two days apart got rid of the pain. Phew, that was a relief. Back to work now and a few little tweaks within my working position seem to have done the trick.

Working At A Cellular Level

The LLLT works on the mitochondria of cells to up-regulate them with maximum energy. It helps to reduce inflammation, improve blood supply and therefore improve healing and reduce pain. It’s amazing really. We use it every day at work to help the mouth heal. The main three ways are increased ATP production, nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species.

Impromptu Talk

Whilst on a dental laser course in London I was asked by Professor Olivi (from Italy) to stand up and give a bit of a talk on some of my experiences. No preparation, just on the spot. When you are passionate about something it makes it a bit easier.  

Until next time. Take care and be good. Have a great summer!!